My return parcel didn't arrive at The Little Green Bag

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If you return your package to The Little Green Bag, you can assume that in most cases this will go smoothly.

It can of course happen exceptionally that your return package never reaches our warehouse, who is responsible for this?
When you place an order with us online, a purchase agreement is concluded. We are responsible for your package until you have received it. At the time of return, the package is in your possession and therefore the responsibility until receipt in our warehouse lies with you as a customer and you cannot make any claims against us for loss, damage and/or delays.

This also applies to returns using our freepost number or label provided by us.

Has your package not yet arrived at our warehouse 14 working days after shipment? Please contact customer service so that we can start an investigation for you in a timely manner.If you are contacted later than 20 working days after the return, we will unfortunately no longer be able to start an investigation for you.

Have you placed a large order or order with a high value? We then advise you to return it insured at your own expense so that the carrier can offer you a suitable solution.

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